Yanhua Mini ACDP Parts
YANHUA BMW X4/X8 Bench Interface Board Read/Write ISN Without Soldering
Are you worried about that plug wire to opposite direction or wrong place when read or write BMW DME ISN? Now there is good method to avoid this problem. Yanhua BMW X4/X8 Bench Interface Board is designed to read & write ISN and clone for the following BMW DME modules replace the traditional plugging wire method. […]
YANHUA BMW DME Adapter X5/X7 Interface Board User Manual
BMW X5/X7 DME Adapter is a new bench interface board of Yanhua brand to read/write ISN and clone BMW E/F series Diesel DME without soldering. It is much more convenient than the traditional plugging wire method. Yanhua ACDP BMW X5/X7 Diesel DME Bench Interface Board Outlook: BMW-DME-Adapter-X5 BMW-DME-Adapter-X7 Which car models can work with BMW X5/X7 […]
How to Solve Instrument Cannot Light Up or Shows Red Dot After Resetting Odometer?
Do you have the problem that the instrument cannot light up or shows red dot after changing the simulator and adding filter? How do you solve the problem? In fact, it’s easy to solve by one Yanhua BMW F/G chassis odometer wiring harness. No need soldering! No risk! What’s the BMW F/G chassis odometer wiring […]
Single Probe Solderless Connector Read ISN/ Change ECU without Soldering
Recently, Yanhuaacdp.com releases a new probe -Single probe solderless connector. What can it do? What’s the advantage of it? How to use? Check the details below. 1.What can Single Probe Solderless Connector do? It is used to connect the BOOT point without soldering when open DME shell to read ISN code or change second-hand ECU. It’s suitable for […]
What is Yanhua Porsche BCM key tester
Yanhua Porsche BCM key tester is Yanhua new released Integrated interface board For Porsche. Yanhua Porsche BCM key tester features: 1. It makes installation simple and efficient. 2. It can detect whether the current key remote is working. 3. It can detect whether the current key can start the car. How to use Yanhua Porsche BCM kEY […]
Yanhua Mini ACDP FEM/BDC Bench Integrated Interface Board replace traditional cables
Good news!!! Yanhua Mini ACDP FEM/BDC Bench Integrated Interface Board is coming. Yanhuaacdp has already released this new module this week. Here share the details with you all. Yanhua FEM/BDC Bench Integrated Interface Board Features: 1.Compatible with any device which program FEM/BDC module 2.Fully replace the traditional cables 3.Easy to connect, plug and play, prevent wrong plug, simple and efficient, Safe and reliable Integrated FEM/BDC Bench Interfaced Board replaces old […]
Yanhua Mini ACDP N20/N55/B48: Integrated Interface Board Connection VS. Universal plug mode
Yanhua Mini ACDP N20/N55/B48 Integrated Interface Boards are very convenient to use for mini acdp owners. What’s the difference between Integrated Interface Board Connection and Universal plug mode? Here you go. Universal plug mode: For example: N55 Need to plug the wires one by one according to the wiring diagram Disadvantage: It takes long time and […]