I used acdp module 9 to work on my 2014 Land rover evoque. But there is something wrong with it. The software has been updated on the device. When I plug in ACDP on car, it says to plug in direct to KVM module on bench. But when I remove kvm and connect on bench. It tells me to connect the type on the OBD vehicle connection. I have had this on 2 Evoques which are before 2015. And both have the same result. Also on the bench gives me reduced options to use.
Yanhuaacdp.com engineer replied:
Mini ACDP cannot program key for Land rover before year 2015 directly, so the KVM module also cannot be used with ACDP.
You can add the OBD transit joint- Double CAN to work with Yanhua Mini ACDP for key programming (both add key and all key lost) for Land Rover before 2015 via OBD. But it cannot change KVM.
Note: Double CAN Adapter is included inside ACDP Volvo Module 12 package by default. If you don’t purchase ACDP module 12, you should buy an extra adapter.
For the guide to use Yanhua ACDP Double CAN adapter, please refer to this post:
Mini ACDP Failed to Decrypt 2014 Land Rover EVOQUE KVM Solution